
Criteria for Learner Nomination:

 We’re looking for learners who show initiative, inspire others, and take on leadership roles within their school or community. Leadership qualities can be demonstrated through participation in student government, leading community service projects, mentoring peers, or organizing extracurricular activities. Nominees should showcase their leadership skills through specific examples of their impact and influence on others.

We prioritize learners from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who may face barriers to accessing quality education. This criterion considers factors such as financial need, lack of educational resources, or challenging home environments. Nominees should provide information about their family background, financial circumstances, or personal challenges they’ve overcome to pursue their education.

We seek learners who demonstrate a genuine curiosity for learning and a desire to explore new ideas and concepts. This criterion evaluates the learner’s interest in inquiry-based learning methodologies and participation in academic enrichment programs. Nominees should describe their enthusiasm for learning, involvement in research projects, or participation in workshops or competitions that showcase their intellectual curiosity.

We recognize that every learner has the potential to grow and succeed, regardless of their current academic performance. This criterion assesses the learner’s willingness to learn, adapt, and overcome challenges. Nominees should provide examples of their resilience in the face of adversity, their commitment to self-improvement, and their aspirations for the future.

Effective communication and collaboration are essential skills for success in academic and professional settings. This criterion evaluates the learner’s ability to communicate ideas clearly, express opinions respectfully, and work collaboratively with others. Nominees should provide examples of their communication skills, such as public speaking, writing, or teamwork experiences.

 Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the pursuit of goals. We’re looking for learners who demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning, view challenges as opportunities for growth, and remain motivated in the face of difficulties. Nominees should share stories of overcoming obstacles, maintaining optimism, and staying focused on their academic goals.

Integrity, excellence, and inclusivity are core values that guide Bogoni Boost’s mission. This criterion evaluates the learner’s alignment with these values, assessing their integrity in academic endeavors, commitment to excellence, and respect for diversity and inclusivity. Nominees should demonstrate how they embody these values in their actions, relationships, and contributions to their school community.

Think you know a learner who embodies Bogoni Boost's values and demonstrates potential for success? Complete the form below to nominate them for our programme!

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Grade 10 or Grade 11
Tell us about the leaner